Welcome to our most interesting blog site! We will see the Basic things to know about SOLIDWORKS Customization in this blog.

        Before starting the customization, we have to know about the SOLIDWORKS software functionalities. Then only we know how to do certain things. 

        Example : For creating a Sketch, First Create a new document, Select the Plane and then create a new sketch. This order should be known by the customization engineer.

Object Model:

From the above diagram, we can see clearly that when we want to access the Body Feature, then the order of accessing should be like this, SolidWorks > ModelDoc2 (Document) > PartDoc (Part Document) > Body2 (Solid  or Surface Bodies) > Feature.

SldWorks is the topmost level of access. 

From the SldWorks we can access the items like Open Document, Close Document, Active & Activate Document. Also we can get and set the System Options & Document Properties.

SOLIDWORKS API help files are available at the below mention link:

Supporting Languages:

VBA, VB.NET, C++,C#, Java, Python

                From the next blog, we will see the examples of how to customize the SOLIDWORKS CAD from scratch!

Thank You! Happy Learning!! Keep Support to Us!!!


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