VBA User Interface
Initial step towards start with any software tutorials, the user must known the UI of that. If you are know where the things is then you can reduce your timing to search for that.
Below image describes the major options that must be known by a user.
1. Coding Area - Your code will reside here
2. Immediate Window (Ctrl+G) - Useful for debugging.
3. Project Explorer (Ctrl+R) - Where you can add Modules, User forms & Class Modules.
4. Property Window (F4) - Shows the properties of active module, selected textbox, etc.,5. Tools - Where we can add the references to our project & set passwords to protect our code.
6. Run, Break & Reset - Run (F5) , Break (Ctrl+Break)
Otherwise use the shortcut key's.
We can insert the module, class module & user form in two ways.
1. Right-Click the Modules folder.
2. From the Insert menu option.
From the next blog, we will see more coding examples!
Thank You! Happy Learning!! Keep Support to Us!!!
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